Sunday, December 18, 2016


Shadow Game
(Ghost Walkers #1)

by Christine Feehan

Well, once again I returned to the 1st installment of a series to fill in gaps, to learn the back story; in this case, the Ghost Walkers, who and what are they?  I met Nicholas, the enigmatic sniper, in Mind Game, and I recognized that I needed to know, wanted to know more about the Ghost Walkers; understand their infallible bond, the camaraderie of the squad, as well as meet its elite leader, Captain Ryland Miller. 

OMG, I’m glad that I went back…to the beginning. 

The Ghost Walkers is a flawless cohesive body; they intuit, anticipate each other’s movements and thoughts. Loyal, driven, determined, these soldiers have each other’s back; their motto, “No fallen comrade will be left behind.”

Shadow Game opens with the Ghost Walkers living in underground cells in Dr. Peter Whitney’s lab. Initially, they volunteered to participate in his psychic project, an experiment deemed to enhance their innate psychic abilities.  Using super mental weapons as telepathy, telekinesis, and other mental manipulations, these phantom-like soldiers, invade enemy lines without detection, blend into the shadows “unseen, unheard, unknown”…the consummate Black Ops soldier. Thus, Whitney’s experiment intrigued them offering an additional cadre of special enhancements…

However, everything goes south…

Dr. Whitney isolates them; their cells, cages and they lab rats, pricked, probed, and tested. They suffer debilitating side effects, sensory overloads that cause brain bleeds, seizures, even death; however, their enhanced abilities transform them into something unique…more powerful and more dangerous! They, no longer volunteers, but prisoners, considered and treated as animals…

Captain Miller feels responsible and guilty, for he persuaded his men to volunteer for this ideal opportunity that would heighten their skill set. “They believed in me and they followed me. They put their faith and trust in me and I led them into a trap.” Ryland is desperate, must save his men, for “he was a man of action and they had locked him in a cage”.  Undeterred, Ryland strengthens his telepathic ability, secretly communicates with his men, issues commands, and plans their escape.  

Enter Dr. Lily Whitney…

 Appalled by the inhumane treatment of Ryland’s men, distraught by the mysterious disappearance (death) of her father, Lily feels compelled to correct her father’s tragically flawed experiment, and plans to free Ryland and his men. They need sanctuary and her expertise. She will show them how to survive in the outside world; will teach them to mute the stimuli, the noises, and strengthen their mental barriers. 

And there’s Ryland, mesmerizing, captivating…

Intrigued by his commitment to his men, their survival and well-being his first priority, she’s drawn to him. Uncovers his layers; the combat ready soldier, the clever strategist and dedicated leader; yet, he’s patient, understanding…manly, sexy! And he seems to be interested in her. Why? Is his interest in her relegated to his escape, to the safety of his men, or is there more? Do they have a connection? It must be their enhanced ability. Yeah, that must be it. 

How could he be interested in…her? She, with a pronounced limp the result of a childhood accident and her freakish abilities. She, like them, was her father’s lab rat! Born with unusual psychic abilities, her father monitored her talents, enhanced her psychic ability. She developed mental barriers to thwart the emotions and noise of the world.  Nevertheless, Lily is conflicted; feels betrayed by her father, one she trusted; she was manipulated, deceived, and yet, she’s compelled to continue with his work, to continue with his scientific inquiries and discovery. 

Oh Wait, there’s more lab rats…other girls who Lily vaguely remembers. Young girls  with exceptional abilities lived, played, and supported each other. Where are they? Lily’s goal is to find them, give them sanctuary, a safe haven and provide a family, the Ghost Walkers.


Lily, Ryland and his men face a mystery replete with danger, hidden agendas, traitorous villains motivated by avarice and greed. And yet it is the Ghost Walkers who are accused, labeled as traitors that force them underground, into hiding. The Ghost Walkers strategize. Expose and eliminate the enemy, clear their name, and protect Lily.

Yep, I’m intrigued…another Band of Brothers. Now, I understand Nicholas a bit more, and his transformation in Mind Game makes more sense. In Shadow Game, Nicholas is the reticent, distant, dangerous sniper…who blends into the shadows, the master of his craft; the outsider, disciplined, and emotionally distant.  Miller’s first, Nicholas reminds the Captain of their creed, their honor, to complete what needs to be done, to eliminate rogue soldiers, despite the emotional toll. 

Do I like Ryland?

Yep!  Focused, an adept fighter and leader, expert tactician, fearless, and smart, what’s there not to like! I’m surprised by his fascination with Lily, yet I understand his curiosity. In addition, I enjoy the unique bond of the squad, the dedication, the sacrifice that each brother warrior has for the other a familiar the canon for this trope. 

Overall, I enjoy the Ghost Walker unit, the military precision and tactical and strategic procedures, the bond and banter among members of the squad, and the plot involving espionage and traitorous villains. Nevertheless, the romance is the weakest part of the series (Mind Game included). I will continue as the men compel me to want to know more about their backstory and the challenges the Ghost Walkers face.

 Next: Gator’s story!

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