Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Janvier: Cajun spice

Archangel’s Shadow
(Guild Hunter #7)

by Nalini Singh

Janvier,  sexy, captivating, a taste of Cajun spice…hott, zesty, seasoned with a melange of flavors… the warrior vampire, mesmerizes, caresses, snarls…and protects. Lethal with his elegant weapon of choice, the kukris, deadly unique blades… 

I met Janvier and Ashwini in previous stories, the Cajun vampire and the Hunter. Janvier and Ash, team with Naasir to tackle ground conflicts, infiltrate vampire haunts and gather intel and resources. Loyal to Raphael and the Tower, valued for his resources and contacts, Janvier inspires trust among the vampire populace and respect among the angels. “That’s my job… To be the one no one feared and everyone welcomed.” “You’re very good at what you do… The words of an archangel to one of his men.”

Janvier and Ash are a crack team; dangerous, lethal, fearless… they work as one cohesive unit, intuit each other’s thoughts, movements.  Archangel’s Legion shows the shadow team at its best. Stealthily, they battle Lijuan’s reborn using diversions; deploy unique creative strategies to divert attention away from Raphael, the Seven, and the Tower, thus ensures victory over Lijuan’s forces. 
Janvier and Ash’s  partnership is a comfortable, relaxed, familiar intimacy. They playfully flirt, teasingly engage in sexual banter; with theTower and Guild watching and “wondering if the Cajun would catch his dark-eyed hunter this time around…”
“I thought I told you to go away (Ash)”. “I did go away…for an entire week. (Janvier)” 
Naasir, Ash, and Janvier… an intriguing trio! My curiosity piqued, I decided to learn more about them, especially, the irresistible Cajun.

  Archangel’s Shadows  opens with a detailed scene from Archangel’s Legions.  In the midst of battle between Lijuan and Raphael,  Janvier, Ash and Naasir, the “shadow fighters” enter a high rise building, set explosives; their mission to distract, confuse, and eliminate enemy ground forces.  Ash, critically injured from the mission, takes time to heal with Janvier’s care and attention, for Janvier is in love with Ash. “Janvier wanted Ashwini. He’d wanted her since their first meeting…” If only he can persuade her to accept him, accept the invitation to transform into a vampire, live with him forever. Janvier’s physique, intelligence, wit, humor and honor attract Ash. She speculates about an immortal life with Janvier; yet she has a secret that will change everything, will change his perspective about her…so she thinks!  Ash distances herself emotionally from Janvier, but still, he is so… hott, sexy, and exotic. 

Another series of vicious killings occur in the vampire community, in addition to an epidemic of the drug Umber that instills bloodlust among the vamps. Who is targeting New York, Raphael’s City; he needs answers ASAP. His crack shadow team is his best answer.  Following yet another Monster of Week trope, Archangel’s Shadows resembles previous stories…a team (Jason/Mahiya, Raphael/Elena) searches for a killer. Shadows tell us more about Janvier, his Cajun roots, his family, his Making, “…I later made the decision to enter into another situation where I did not hold power, out of what I then thought was love. He smiled, as if at the foolishness of it”.

Do I like Janvier?

Ooo la la! He differs from most bad boys as he carries no regrets or remorse made by his poor decisions. He accepts his life, his fate, and assumes total personal responsibility for his choices. “Janvier a man was never dark for long”. Unusual!  Others in his situation would feel bitter, abide in the darkness, allow the rancor, the resentment to consume them. Janvier is so likable! His personality permeates Ash, enables her to trust and inexorably share her demons and fears. Janvier does not judge; only loves and accepts Ash. “…if only she’d let him in…I’m here, tell me about your brother”. 

Janvier continues to intrigue me. I plan to read the novella, “Angel’s Pawn” that promises to provide more insight, more background, challenges, and loves; for there are missing pieces to his story.  

And Ash…well, she doesn’t interest me. Once again, we have a female heroine, Ash, similar to Elena, a family outcast. Born with the ability to read people with just a touch, a slight physical contact,  Ashwini  experiences everything about that person; their memories, actions, emotions, and…their darkness. Her family believed her mentally ill, institutionalized her, childhood consumed by horrors of the mental hospital…drugs, callous doctors. Yet, she survived!  Janvier understands her ability, applies it usefulness, an investigative tool. He  protects her from over stimulation “catches” her when she is unable to process an intensely dark, disturbing vision…protects her from adversaries, and less perceptive colleagues. She is His Cher, his term of endearment…for her only! “You look at her as a man only looks at one woman in his lifetime, be he immortal or mortal(Raphael)”. 

The plot moves forward, the team investigating the killings, the bloodlust and the culprits. However, the fascinating feature of Archangel’s Shadows is Naasir! He steals his scenes with his unfiltered dialogue, thoughts, and unique POV of the world…”Sometimes, even Janvier didn’t know if Naasir was kidding or asking a serious question”. What is Naasir? One of Raphael’s Seven, he is more than vampire “a tiger creature” dangerous, feral, barely civilized; yet, loyal, charming and childlike. His story is next. Since I’ve read the series of out sequence, I read his tale, Archangel’s Enigma, and I thoroughly understand the fangirls obsession with Naasir.

Another fun memorable scene is Elena’s dinner “party” with the Seven, Janvier, Ash, and their guest of honor, Naasir. “Ilium’s eyes gleamed…’Oh, yes, I’m definitely coming to dinner’. Elena wasn’t an idiot.’What are you expecting Naasir to do?” “They sprawled over the elegant furniture, dug into Montgomery’s food, spoke with the ease of men who’d known one another for centuries”. 

Overall, Archangel’s Shadow is exciting with plenty of action-packed battles. Yet, Naasir steals the show!

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